Capella SpaceCapella Space Documentation
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Constellation Tasking
Tasking RequestsTasking Request StatusCost Review and ApprovalOverviewReviewing Cost EstimatesApproving or RejectingAdditional InformationCancel a TaskTiles and CollectsSearching Single and Repeat Tasking Requests
Mission Awareness

Cost Review and Approval


In cases where a tasking request has not been "preapproved", you will need to review the cost estimate of the tasking request and indicate whether you would like to approve the cost and have the tasking request submitted to the scheduler or reject the tasking request. The tasking request will not be submitted for scheduling until you approve. Tasking requests can only be approved when they have reached the review status (see Tasking Request Status). When a tasking request has been approved, it will move to the submitted status until it is evaluated with the tasking scheduler. You can skip the cost review step by setting the preapproval flag to true when submitting a tasking request.

Reviewing Cost Estimates

Single Tasking Request

The cost estimate information will be included with the tasking request status once it has been calculated. You can find the status of the single task request using the task endpoint and the tasking request id:


If the tasking request is not yet ready for review, the transactionStatus in the response will be ''. When the cost estimate information is available, the transactionStatus will be set to pending-customer-approval. You will find the cost estimate information in order:

"order": {
"summary": {
"total": "$1,000.00",
"subtotal": "$1,000.00"
"lineItems": [
"taskId": "45b0e94b-6107-4671-ab13-d526e45d88c2",
"accountingSize": {
"unit": "sqkm",
"value": 100
"archiveHoldback": "none",
"managedOrganizationIds": [

Repeat Tasking Request

The cost estimate information will be included with the repeat tasking request status once it has been calculated. You can find the status of the repeat request using the repeat-requests endpoint and the repeat tasking request id:


Once the repeat tasking request status code equals review, you will find the cost estimate information in costPerImageEstimate:

"costPerImageEstimate": "$1,000.00",

Approving or Rejecting

Single Tasking Request

Based on the cost estimate, you can decide whether to approve or reject the request. To do this you will send a request to the status endpoint with status set to either approved or rejected:

"status": "approved"

Repeat Tasking Request

Based on the cost estimate, you can decide whether to approve or reject the repeat request. To do this you will send a request to the status endpoint with code set to either submitted or rejected:

"code": "submitted"

Additional Information

For more information on tasking request cost review and approval, see the API reference for Tasking.