Capella SpaceCapella Space Documentation
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Requesting an API KeyRequesting a Token (Deprecated)NoticeOverviewRequesting a TokenUsing the TokenAdditional Information
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Requesting a Token (Deprecated)


Basic authentication and usage of the token endpoint has been deprecated in the Capella API. Usage of the Capella API will now require an API key. For more information, see Requesting an API Key.


The Capella API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to validate a user’s identity. The token endpoint is used to exchange a username and password in a basic authentication header for an authentication token. You must have a valid Capella account to successfully request a token. Authentication tokens will expire after approximately 1 hour.

Requesting a Token

To request a token, you must first send a POST request to the token endpoint. Your username and password should be included in the header:

Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Authorization: Basic <Base64 username:password>

A successful request will result in the following response:

"accessToken": "eyJ...",
"expiresIn": 3600,
"tokenType": "Bearer"

Using the Token

To use the token you have requested, include it in the header of requests to other endpoints

Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}

The token will expire after the time denoted in expiresIn.

Additional Information

For more information, see the API reference for Access and Entitlements.